YAYA's Cheese Popcorn

Yes, I know this is a cooking blog and we all know I'm not Yaya. My neighbor, Wendy, turned my kids onto this stuff last week and they love it. Yesterday, when she went to Fred Meyer, she bought them their very own bag and they were anxious for me to try it. Four eyes, staring at me, anxiously awaiting my verdict, hoping I'd find it as delicious as they did so it could be added to our ever growing grocery list. I was expecting it to be orange and was pleasantly surprised by the use of white cheddar. My walls thank Yaya for that one. The kids weren't disappointed, I thought it was delectable and terribly addicting. Yaya's is a keeper.

*I went to Fred Meyers to buy Yaya's White Cheddar Popcorn and didn't find it with the popcorn or chips...it's located in the Health Food Section and was only $1.59 a bag. Excellent!
