Chocolate Malt-O-Meal

I don't think she realized her dad fixed himself the very same breakfast earlier this morning. She probably smelled it while she slept and it embedded itself into her subconscious so firmly that when she sauntered downstairs, half-asleep, the first words out of her mouth were, "Mom, will you make Chocolate Malt-O-Meal for breakfast, with toast?"

So after taking this totally cute shot, cute because I think my kids are cute especially first thing in the morning, I realized the cellophane wrapper gave the Malt-O-Meal box an ugly glare. So, ONE - MORE - TIME!


*If you would like to buy this yummy hot cereal, for your cute kids, check your local Wal-Mart or Super Wal-Mart. Here, in Wenatchee, you won't find it anywhere else.
